„Hamech” is a company with many years of experience in production of machinery and equipment for the power engineering and wood processing sectors.



Hamech is specialised in construction of complete drying kilns and power engineering facilities. Our portfolio includes:

  • chamber drying kilns and steam drying,
  • complete equipment for environmentally-friendly biomass boiler plants, production programme includes heating devices, biomass transfer and storage facilities, flue gas systems, process systems, etc.,
  • vegetable and fruit dryers, bakery dryersm small-size electric dryers,
  • exhaust walls and woodworking machines,
  • production of railway infrastructure components.


Hamech Machinery Plant employs highly qualified experts who ensure individual approach to every client. This allows us to fulfil almost every job related with construction of steel structures, plastic forming of metal plates and machining.


The major goal of the company is continuous improvement of product quality and implementing new solutions according to customers' needs.


We strive to fulfill that goal by:

  • increasing brand recognition,
  • improvement of product quality and technologies,
  • continuous development of machinery,
  • improvement of working conditions,
  • improvement of employee qualifications and employment of qualified specialists.


The Management Board and employees of the company are committed to conform with the legal requirements and the ISO 9001:2015 standard, and also to constant improvement of efficiency of the quality assurance system.

KZN Bieżanów Group

Best business models correspond to the actual needs of the market. We decided to put that into practice. Kolejowe Zakłady Nawierzchniowe "Bieżanów" have been building railway turnouts for almost 80 years.



Contact us for free consultation. Go to the contact form